
Publisher’s Note—June 2020

Publisher’s Note—June 2020

by Richard Johns, Publisher / Published June 2020

As I write the publisher’s note on May 4th, the state of Arkansas, where Cleaner Times has its office, plans on easing restrictions and allowing certain businesses to reopen. No one has any idea of what is to come. I hope that by the time you read this our entire nation is safely and cautiously attempting to reopen businesses. We know there will be risks, but it will be up to us as Americans to make wise decisions on how we practice social distancing and good hygiene. On a recent trip to Walmart, I put my mask on and said to myself, “I can’t believe this; it’s like a movie.” But this is where we are, and this is how the virus has changed our lives for now.

My son was a senior this year in high school, and like every other senior, has missed out on every one of his year-end activities, such as his senior walk, multiple special meal events, and prom. Graduation is tentatively scheduled for the beginning of August. It will take place outdoors and be limited to
attendance by parents or legal guardians. These disappointments pale in comparison to the sorrow of those who have lost a loved one due to the coronavirus; my heart goes out to these individuals. 

In our industry I have only heard of one seriously affected individual who lost a brother. I presume there are more. As we enter this next phase, I encourage everyone involved in this industry to continue to work together and help our fellow man. I have seen some manufacturers promoting their disinfecting equipment and distributors supplying sanitizers and other products used to disinfect surfaces to make our environment a safer place to work and live. I have also been very encouraged by the news of several contract cleaners offering free cleaning services to playgrounds in various neighborhoods. Thank you to all these companies and individuals that are giving of themselves during these days.

This month we give our respects to the Wingen family with the passing of Pat Wingen in February of this year. Pat was the first president of CETA and CEO of AaLadin Industries, and Cleaner Times pays tribute to him on page 12. Beth Borrego continues to provide beneficial marketing advice on page 20. 

I hope you enjoy this issue of Cleaner Times. As we press on, may we all look forward to the better days that lie ahead.

Richard Johns
(800) 525-7038

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