
PowerClean 2019—A Great Event


PowerClean 2019—A Great Event

Published January 2020

The Cleaning Equipment Trade Association (CETA) co-located with the Power Washers of North America (PWNA) this past October 17–20, 2019, to host their annual trade show and convention in Charleston, SC. There were multiple certification classes, a golf tournament, educational seminars, roundtables, keynote speakers, lots of time for networking, and multiple days to visit exhibitors on the trade show floor along with an afternoon of outdoor demonstrations.

Photo on the left is Dick Johnson is awarded the Distinguished Service Award.

Cleaner Times reached out to some of those who attended PowerClean 2019 to obtain their feedback on the event. Ben Hagemann is CETA President for 2019–2020. He comments:

This year’s PowerClean 2019 was a great event. Although we have had many events in past years, this was only our second year in its current form—CETA co-locating with PWNA—and we are growing and gaining momentum in many ways. I appreciate the common interests I have with everyone at the show. It is nice to be in a room where every person you speak with knows what a pressure washer is, and almost to the person they earn their living directly from some aspect of a pressure washer or its use. I found the quality of booths and variety of products offered to be the best I have seen. It is exciting to go to a trade show for our industry and come away with NEW product ideas and opportunities that can help us serve our customers’ needs and grow our business. The story never ends at new products with CETA. The information gathered from friends, peers, and professional speakers helps me run a quality business and grow personally. After PowerClean 2019, I know CETA is on the right path to make it better every year, and I am looking forward to a great and beneficial PowerClean 2020 to be held in Reno, NV.

Photo on the right is Gregg Brodsky receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award

There were also several educational seminars. South Carolina OSHA talked about the Hazard Communication Standard (HAZCOM/GHS). Jay Hallaway and Delany Johnson helped troubleshoot electrical and burner issues. Jimmy Welch provided a CETA technical update and industry trends. There was also a class held on “Benefits of Building a Relationship with a Distributor” and a variety of roundtable discussions.

Jessica Gentry is one of the CETA directors who served on the convention (seminar) committee this past year and expresses the positives of what she saw in the educational seminars and roundtables at PowerClean 2019. She states:

Photo on the left is Paul Linton being awarded the Distinguished Service Award. Photo on the right is the women of CETA.

I thought the seminars and roundtables were well received by the attendees. CETA invited SC–OSHA to host a beneficial seminar on Hazard Communication Standards and the GHS Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. I believe these topics are very important to the distributor members by keeping them informed on new standards so they can stay in compliance.

The feedback received from CETA members regarding the roundtables was very positive. The Customer Service and Hiring & Retaining Personnel topics were a big hit and were requested to return to the table at PowerClean 2020 in Reno. I always find the roundtables to be the most beneficial. It is always a pleasure to be able to sit down with fellow suppliers and distributors and tackle a topic that affects us all.

One final element to mention about PowerClean 2019 was the Friday evening sneak peak and Saturday and Sunday afternoon times that the exhibit hall was open for interested parties to come in and view the products that were on display and ask questions of many of the exhibitors.

Mel Dean with BacKrete Corp was a first-time exhibitor at PowerClean 2019, and he shared his experience:

This was the first year that BacKrete exhibited at PowerClean. The show location in Charleston, SC, was outstanding. This city has so much history and culture. In addition, the culinary scene is very strong in Charleston. This means there are a lot of great restaurants in the city.

PowerClean seemed to have something for everyone who is serious about the pressure washing industry. The networking within the industry was outstanding. We met a lot of great companies with unique products and friendly people. Our contact list has grown as we made new friends and visited with old ones.

Overall, it was a great show! BacKrete will definitely be back at PowerClean 2020 next year. See you in Reno!

Indeed, if you haven’t already done so, make plans to attend PowerClean 2020 from October 22–25 at the Peppermill Resort and Casino in Reno, NV. You can register at www.ceta.org/annual-convention or call the CETA office at (800) 441-0111. 

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