
Editor’s Note—October 2020

Editor’s Note—October 2020

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published October 2020

When 2020 started it is highly probable that none of us thought a novel coronavirus, COVID-19, would lead to the cancellation of PowerClean 2020. The tradeshow was originally scheduled to take place October 22–25 in Reno, NV. Since we can’t meet in person, Cleaner Times found a way to bring a part of the tradeshow to you.

On page six, Cleaner Times (CT) is proud to present the first “Professional Pressure Washing Equipment and Accessory Showcase.” Since the new pressure washing equipment and accessories can’t be viewed in person, we brought some of them to the pages of CT. Each company that chose to profile a product has a product photo, 75-word description, and contact information to call and find out more about each piece of equipment. Furthermore, a second Showcase will be featured in the November issue.

On page 14, Kathy Danforth introduces our readers to the nine 2020–2021 CETA Scholarship winners. She comments, “Fortunately, they all have different aspirations and strengths, but they have all worked hard and appreciate the assistance that scholarship money provides. One winner aspires to be a small and large animal veterinarian while another winner is pursuing a double major in music composition and math. A third winner is headed toward a career in computer science, a fourth is pursuing a major in psychology, and a fifth hopes to become a nurse practitioner. The final four winners are seeking career paths in nursing, pharmacy, advertising (with hope of entering the fashion merchandising industry), and work in ecology or sustainable agriculture.

One of the winners, Joy Nelms shares, “College is a financial stretch for my family, and winning this scholarship both years I applied is a huge blessing to me! Being awarded the CETA scholarship helms make it a reality. I am so thankful for the CETA Education Foundation.”

Other articles in this issue have CETA, PWNA, and WJTA sharing their plans for the rest of the year. If you are members of any of these organization or prospective members please make note of the opportunities available to you.

Cleaner Times would love to hear any stories you have to share!

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038

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