
Editor’s Note—November 2018


Editor’s Note—November 2018

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published November 2018

It’s hard to believe, but we are already in the next- to-last month of the year. Soon, families will be traveling near and far to gather around the table with other family members for good food and fellowship. There will be naps to be taken, life to catch up on, football to watch, and board games or outside sports to play. Before you know it, Thanksgiving will have been celebrated, and then everyone will hop in their car or on a plane to go home.

However, the idea of giving thanks does not have to end with one weekend nor should it. As Diane Calabrese writes on page 30 in the article “Reasons for Giving Thanks,” “a pause to reflect at any time brings real benefits.”

Angela Hamilton with Dirt Killer Pressure Washers in Woodlawn, MD, talks about her thankfulness for both her family at home and family at work. She mentions the support these two families provide in reaching her personal and business goals.

Terry Murray with Etowah Chemical Sales in Gadsden, AL, expresses his gratitude for his parents, his six siblings, his wife, his sons, and his grandchildren. He also comments on how thankful he is for his business partner, the success of their business, and the work he gets to do.

Brenda Purswell with Alklean Industries in Pasadena, TX, says, “I try to live by the philosophy of living with an attitude of gratitude, and though we may have difficulties or tragedies befall us, we can still find reasons to be grateful.” Brenda’s husband, John Purswell, comments on his appreciation for living in the United States and urges everyone to work hard to keep everything that is good about America.

As Diane Calabrese points out, “In every direction, there are blessings. One only needs to take the time to think about them.” So take some time to think for whom and for what you’re thankful and express your gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038


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