
Editor’s Note—November 2015

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Thanksgiving and Blessings

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published November 2015

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month and the many blessings we have received, I would like to start with a personal anecdote. The beginning of
this year, January 8 to be exact, found my wife and I sitting in a dark room with an ultrasound technician waiting to hear our baby’s heartbeat. Imagine our surprise and shock when the tech told us she heard not one, not two, but three separate heartbeats! Triplets! We had a lot of fun surprising our families and friends with the news and having them share in our shock, joy, and anxieties.

Fast forward to June 16 when three precious, little boys—Solomon, Gabriel, and Matthias—were born at 32 weeks and three days. They were immediately taken to the NICU and spent the first month of their lives there under the wonderful care of many nurses and doctors. They progressed well in breathing on their own and learning to eat, and on July 16, we brought these three amazing and healthy boys home. The last three months have been a blur, and yes, my wife and I are very tired, but the Lord has provided us enough strength for each day. I share this story simply to say that my wife and I have much to be thankful and grateful for in 2015.

What do you have to be thankful and grateful for this year? Life is full of challenges, joys, and heartaches both in our personal lives and in our public lives (including work). And yet, it is a blessing to earn a living and to hopefully see the businesses we are involved in flourish, and at the end of the day to be surrounded by those we love who are family and friends. We have much to be thankful for. If you get a chance, drop me a line and let me know what you are thankful for whether it relates to good news in your business or a blessing in your personal life. And have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038