
Editor’s Note—November 2013

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by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published November 2013

Perhaps, I am not alone in discovering that it is hard work to cultivate gratitude. It is not that I have a lack of people and circumstances for which to be thankful. But I find that I must make a conscious, day-after day decision to identify and express my gratitude for the many blessings that God has provided for me. For our purposes here, I simply want to express my gratefulness in one particular realm, which has to do with my involvement in Cleaner Times | IWA and the pressure washing industry.

Recently, I returned from CETA’s PowerClean 2013. I am thankful that I was able to attend the annual convention and match faces with names that, until this time, I had only been able to talk with by phone and/or e-mail (both wonderful inventions). It was rewarding to see and talk with those manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers who have given and continue to give much of their hard work, time, and money. In regards to time, I am grateful for the men and women who passed on important industry knowledge in the educational classes. As concerns hard work, I want to thank the CETA Board of Directors for all the effort that went into making PowerClean 2013 run smoothly and for moving the organization forward in 2014 as they co-locate the trade show with ISSA in Orlando, FL, in 2014.

In addition, I am thankful for those who have gone before me at Cleaner Times | IWA to make the publication representative of the entire pressure washing industry. In Cleaner Times | IWA, I have inherited a trade journal for the pressure washing industry that has vital information for the entire industry. Whether you are a contractor, end user, supplier, manufacturer, or distributor, there are important articles in each issue that I believe can help your business in any role: financial, marketing, legal/liability, personal examples, technology, and more. This is a legacy I have inherited, and I am grateful. As we head into 2014, I am excited to build on this legacy and to continue to serve the entire pressure washing industry.

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038