
Editor’s Note—July 2014

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Lead By Example

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published July 2014

In life, there are certain attitudes that are better learned through imitation. One of those attitudes is modeling a positive demeanor at work. At times this may come easy, when all is going well at work, relationships with coworkers are good, and profits are up. At other times, it may take more effort to model a positive attitude when there are relational challenges and financial strain in the business. Nevertheless, maintaining a positive work environment in good and bad times is important.

Diane Calabrese’s article “Accountability and Respect: Equal Partners in a Positive Work Environment” on page 6 speaks to the importance of the business owner leading by example in setting a positive tone at work. One business owner speaks to how he tries to eliminate negativity in new hires, which goes a long ways to setting a positive work environment. Another business owner talks about his practice of acknowledging good performance by employees and the necessity for management to take credit for poor decisions. Ultimately, each business owner must put thought and effort into what steps need to be taken to maintain a positive work environment. By establishing a positive work environment, additional benefits, such as employee retention and decreasing hiring costs, accrue. Clearly, a positive work environment is a great thing for your business, but it doesn’t come without forethought and effort. So get started now!

As always, Cleaner Times | IWA would love to hear your concerns, your article ideas, and your stories. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at Michael@adpub.com.

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038