
Editor’s Note—January 2020

Editor’s Note—January 2020

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published January 2020

Happy New Year and welcome to 2020! What will the new year bring? Will it be a year that you get married or remarried, have your first child or grandchild, or watch a son and/or daughter graduate from high school or college? Will you lose your job, receive a job promotion, or change the company you work for? Will it bring the U.S. its 46th President, or will the 45th President of the U.S. be elected to another four years? Will the economy keep booming and unemployment remain at record lows, or will this be a year that sees a recession and high unemployment? Not a single one of us can say with any certainty what 2020 will bring, but the new year will have its mountaintop moments, valleys, and plateaus like any other year.

As those companies and individuals who work in the pressure washing industry, will your company offer more products and services? Will you open a second or third location for your business? Will you be bought out by your competition, or will there be a change in the company’s ownership? If you’re the company owner, you probably have some idea of what you plan for 2020 to bring for your company, but you might have to tweak your plans as the year progresses and respond to the current realities.

The premier issue of Cleaner Times in 2020 has information you need to pay attention to. The professional industry organizations for pressure washing, the Cleaning Equipment Trade Association (CETA) and Power Washers of North America (PWNA), and the professional organization for high-pressure waterjetting, WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA), are featured in these pages. Each organization shares its 2019 achievements and looks forward to its 2020 goals, plus new board members are introduced. Check the table of contents to see what pages each of these profiles are on.

This issue is also the Cleaner Times Sourcebook. Contact information for manufacturers and suppliers is listed on page 6. The category headings that let you know the products provided by each of these manufactures and suppliers start on page 12. These companies are here to help you meet your 2020 goals, so visit their websites and call them.

Once again, Cleaner Times wishes you a Happy New Year!

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038


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