
Editor’s Note—January 2014

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A Fresh Start

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published January 2014

The start of a new year always brings with it great anticipation. In part, this is because it allows a fresh start, a clean slate, or a new beginning. There is the anticipation of what joys and triumphs the New Year will hold; if we are honest, there is also nervous excitement over the challenges and obstacles that will make their appearance and will need to be met head-on and overcome. As you consider the New Year, Cleaner Times | IWA is eager to move forward with you in your joys, challenges, and victories.

One of the best ways we can move forward into a fresh start in 2014 is by taking helpful lessons learned in 2013 and applying them. To that end, I would encourage businesses of all stripes—whether a manufacturer, supplier, distributor, end user, or contractor in the pressure washing industry—to look for ways to be more efficient and productive in work flow. Re-read December 2013’s article Kaizen: Improving Your Company’s Work Flow for some practical steps you can take. Implement these improved methods in your business and see what happens in 2014. In addition, continue to read the Marketing Your Service Business series and put a marketing plan into place or revise your existing one, so that you get even better results.

Another way forward in 2014 is to join one of the professional organizations that represent the industry and increase your business acumen through educational and networking opportunities. The Cleaning Equipment Trade Association (CETA), Power Washers of North America (PWNA), and WJTA-IMCA all have trade show opportunities in 2014 that your business would be well served to attend.

As always, Cleaner Times | IWA desires to better serve our readers. So let us hear how we can better come alongside you and provide you with a fresh start in 2014. Happy New Year!

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038