
Editor’s Note—February 2023

Editor’s Note—February 2023

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published February 2023

     Super Bowl LVII is scheduled to be played on February 12, 2023, at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. It’s hard to imagine everything that is involved in preparing the stadium for 73,000 fans, including the amount of cleanup that happens after the big event. Opportunities to clean, especially power wash, abound throughout Arizona.

     On page 6, Cleaner Times continues its “Cleaning Coast to Coast” series, with this month focusing on the Grand Canyon state. The opportunities abound year-round. Because there’s a lot of dirt in the state, there are abundant opportunities for cleaning. Due to the heat in Arizona, work often starts at 6:00 a.m. and is wrapped up at 2:00 p.m. To read about additional opportunities in cleaning in Arizona or the other five states that have been reported on, visit www.cleanertimes.com/cleaning-coast-to-coast.

     The February issue also focuses on chemicals: how to build a chemical program, the impact of inflation on chemical manufacturers and their customers, proper usage of chemicals, and a good response plan to a chemical incident. 

     On page 16 in “Building a Chemical Program,” Diane Calabrese writes that the key to building a chemical program is to focus on providing quality chemicals. After this, the convenience factor for your customer of buying equipment and chemicals as well as repairing the equipment all in one place is an added benefit.

     Turn to page 20 to read about the impact of inflation on chemicals. Like most other sectors in the economy, inflation is on the rise in the chemical manufacturing sector. These price increases have never been seen before by long-time manufacturers. Customers understand that prices are going up, so it is important to provide great customer service and carry through on what you say you are going to do. 

     On page 24, practical advice on chemical usage is provided in four short, helpful mini articles. These cover how to clean heavy grease and oil from machinery, following chemical safety practices, how to save on your chemical program, and how to know which products to use.

     Flip to page 30 to find information on how to correctly use chemicals. Technicians need to be taught about the various safety factors with specific chemicals. All the information such as technical data sheets and safety data sheets should be easily accessible.

     Finally, turn to page 34 to learn how to be prepared for and respond to chemical incidents. Practice makes perfect.

     Cleaner Times wants to hear from you.

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038

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