
Editor’s Note—February 2018

Editor’s Note—February 2018

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published February 2018

If you google “recent sexual harassment cases 2017,” the first entry that pops up is from the New York Times, with a list of 50 men accused of sexual misconduct from October 5–December 21, 2017. As you peruse the list, it becomes clear that this serious issue is not limited to one profession, though sadly many of those on this particular list are government officials, who are supposed to be serving their constituents, as well as many in the entertainment and visual arts’ industries. Nevertheless, the issue of sexual harassment, which is what will be addressed here, is not confined to only those industries.

Although it is a difficult topic to address, we have decided to broach it in Cleaner Times this month because it is a real issue for the victims of harassment, and sexual harassment is not right. Sadly, sexual harassment is not new, but it has come to the forefront in our culture in recent months and needs to be dealt with seriously and quickly. The article “Preventing Sexual Harassment—Maintaining an Exemplary Workplace,” starting on page 6, is provided with the goal that it would see the wonderful men and women who make up the pressure washing industry serve diligently and without a hint of improper sexual behavior toward those with whom they work.

This issue also contains articles that deal with the impact the recently passed Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) will have on those in the industry, provides a Q & A session with Brenda Purswell and Roy Chappell on the issue of incentives for service personnel, gives steps that can be taken to critically assess the state of your business, and talks about the importance of coil maintenance. Furthermore, it profiles the 2017 CETA Lifetime Achievement Winners, Tim and Karen Layden of High PSI, and allows you to get to know some of your CETA board of directors better—this month features Chad Rasmussen (president) and Jim O’Connell (sr. vice president).

So, take some downtime in this winter month of February to read this important issue, and get ready because spring is right around the corner no matter what the groundhog says!


Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038


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