
Editor’s Note—December 2023

Editor’s Note—December 2023

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published December 2023

The first four years of this third decade in the 21st century have seen quite a few serious challenges, though I think it’s fair to say that if one looks back in history none of them are unprecedented. There has been COVID-19, supply chain disruptions, continuing inflation, an ongoing war in Europe, and a war in the Mideast that holds the possibility of expanding into a global conflict. Besides a presidential election in the U.S., we can’t know for the most part what 2024 will bring, but we do know it will most likely bring a mix of successes, challenges, and setbacks.

On page 6 in “Paths to Travel in 2024 and Challenges,” Diane Calabrese points out that a business owner can’t just coast when trying to run a successful business. Rather, he or she has to acknowledge and address challenges and keep moving along in a viable direction. While no one can know all the challenges that will arrive in the New Year, one can put a plan in place to address anticipated challenges and come out on top.

Joseph Daniel is the owner and CEO of ITD Chemical LLC. He took time on page 12 to answer the following questions this month: why should a manufacturer and distributor not be in competition, what is the importance of having a responsive lab division at a chemical supplier, how does the increasing interest in environmentally friendly products affect business decision making, and what is the difference between a high-quality and low-quality detergent?

Cleaner Times was able to be a part of PowerClean 2023 in mid-October at the Renaissance Hotel in Glendale, AZ. On page 20 we enjoyed sharing a written and pictoral summary about the golf tournament, Women of CETA, and the tradeshow events. We hope to see you in Orlando, FL, at the end of October next year!

Turn to page 40 to read about a business opportunity in the first part of Terri Perrin’s article about “Cleaning Poultry Houses.” We learn the difference between broiler houses and layer hen houses, and we learn what the proper personal protective equipment requirements are as well as best practices for the rate of water flow and the equipment needed.

Cleaner Times hopes that no matter the uncertainties, challenges, and successes you face in 2024, you continue to move forward. We also wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year!

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038

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