
Editor’s Note—August 2018


Editor’s Note—August 2018

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published August 2018

     The reality of living in this sin-cursed world is that life is often hard and full of trials. In the last three months, I have attended a funeral per month for close family members. The first funeral was unexpected; the other two funerals were not unexpected, but whether expected or unexpected saying goodbye to a family member whom you will not visit with and spend time with again on this earth leaves a void.

     Though less weighty than losing someone to death, there can be serious trials in business. Diane Calabrese writes about these trials and enduring through them in the article “Surviving Setbacks” on page 6. Jake Clark of Armstrong-Clark admits that bad things are going to happen to us. He comments, “When they [bad things] do, and we recover from them, we will value the good things even more. You can’t dwell on the negative,” says Clark. “As a friend of mine once said, ‘stuff happens.’”

     John Tornabene of Clean County Powerwashing remarks, “Don’t let anything get you down because we all have a bad day or a problem that arises, but it’s how you handle those days that counts.” He also says that he tries not to dwell too much on the negatives of his business but looks at the glass as half full. Perseverance in the face of adversity, business or personal, is a must.

     Take time to read the recap of CETA’s regional meeting held in Minneapolis, MN, on page 12. There was a rousing presentation by Dustin Hillis that reminded folks of the four different buying styles—fighter, entertainer, counselor, and detective—and how to address the main question/concern and recognize the strengths of each type of person.

     Marlo Dean talked about the effect of Proposition 65 on the pressure washing industry. Chad Rasmussen, CETA President, says, “The most important take-away from the regional meeting is that Proposition 65 is going to affect all of us in some way. In the past, simply putting a warning label was enough. It is more complex now, and compliance is going to be more difficult.” The networking that went on was also an important part of the time.

     Enjoy your summer, stay hydrated, stay cool, and drop us a line when you get a chance.

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038


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