
Editor’s Note—July 2015

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Come On, Consume This Media!

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published July 2015

A report by ZenithOptimedia—accessed at www.vox.com/2015/6/1/8697377/media-consumption-habits—states, “People will spend an average of 492 minutes a day consuming media in 2015. . . .” If you read the entire article, you will see this report is expansive in what it qualifies as media, but spending eight hours of your day consuming media is a lot of time. And, as an editor for a monthly trade journal, I’m clearly promoting your media consumption.

With that said, this month’s Cleaner Times|IWA has several articles worth the time of your consumption. These articles also highlight the wide variety of issues that must vie for the attention of business owners in the pressure washing industry. Take for example Mark Battersby’s article about the EMV chip card switch whereby banks and card issuers “plan to shift liability for fraudulent card transactions to those who are not ready for a new, more secure card.” Each business will have to decide if it is worth the cost to upgrade your equipment to process these EMV chip cards, or if you want to take on the liability that will now come with fraudulent card use.

A weightier article deals with workplace violence in terms of what to do to prevent it and what steps an employer should take if they learn about an incident of workplace violence occurring at their business. One of the main lessons is that all employees need to be protected so even if the threats are against one individual, police should be called so that a safe work environment is provided for all employees. For verbal assaults, there should be a written protocol put in place that needs to be followed when an incident occurs.

Some additional, important articles in this issue deal with troubleshooting machine issues, understanding the business financials, and evaluating business profitability. All are areas that need sound study and an action plan put in place. So commence reading and consume some media!

Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038