
2021 Professional Pressure Washing Equipment & Accessory Showcase

Have a New Product to Share
with the Pressure Cleaning Community?

Share it in the 2021 Cleaner Times Product & Accessory Showcase!

What Is It?
This equipment and accessory showcase is a great opportunity for manufacturers and suppliers to let distributors and contract cleaners see the newest product or products your company has to offer. The Showcase provides you with a 75-word description of what your product can deliver along with a high-resolution photo that allows interested parties to see the product.

Why Should I Have My Product in the Showcase?
Due to various factors your company may not have been able to attend PowerClean 2021 where you could display your product in person. Many of the distributors and contract cleaners were not able to attend to see your product. This Showcase allows you to exhibit your newest product for all the folks that you missed or that missed you. Don’t miss out on reaching the distributors and contract cleaners who need to know about your latest product offering!


Interested in having your product featured in the Cleaner Times Product Showcase?


Or call 800-525-7038